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How to Plan Your Hour of Code

How to Plan Your Hour of Code

September 20, 2022
Computational thinking helps nurture problem-solving skills, logic, and creativity. And technology is transforming every industry on the planet. Students today should learn how to create technology, not just use it. By starting early, they’ll have a foundation for success in any 21st-century career path. Trying an Hour of Code is a simple and fun way to introduce students to computer science, perhaps for the very first time, and it fits perfectly for both in-class and after-school settings… READ MORE
Schools: THE Cyber Safety Event for Your Families

Schools: THE Cyber Safety Event for Your Families

September 18, 2022
CS is Elementary is offering a one hour national family learning event each Tuesday in October. Topics covered include; phishing, encryptions, passwords and personal identifying information. Each family will have the option to create its own Family Cyber Safety Plan.  Available Dates:  OCT.  4, 9PM ET  OCT. 11, 8PM ET  OCT. 18, 7PM ET  OCT. 25, 6PM ET  School Sign Up Family Sign Up  READ MORE
Get $300 for supplies from Girls Who Code!

Get $300 for supplies from Girls Who Code!

September 12, 2022
Educate Maine is excited to continue our partnership with Girls Who Code! This year, when you start a free Girls Who Code Club and enroll 3 or more members, you’ll be eligible to receive up to $300 to purchase materials and supplies for your Club. There’s no obligation and every Club gets access to 120+ hours of plug-and-play programming with CSTA standards-aligned coding lessons. Indicate you are affiliated with Educate Maine on the Clubs application, and you’ll unlock additional… READ MORE
CSTANE22 Updates: Proposal Workshop on 8/31 & Scholarship Applications are open!

CSTANE22 Updates: Proposal Workshop on 8/31 & Scholarship Applications are open!

August 26, 2022
The CSTNA22 Conference Committee has announced that scholarship applications are now open and they are also offering a proposal writing workshop on August 31st.  Details for the proposal writing workshop are below.   --Proposal Workshop on 8/31The CSTANE22 conference committee would like to support you in submitting your proposal, especially if you have never presented at a CSTA conference before.  Join us on 8/31 5.30-6.30, whether you have an idea and need support to write the proposal… READ MORE
Project>Login to present at Fall ACTEM Conference

Project>Login to present at Fall ACTEM Conference

August 25, 2022
Session Description:    Project>Login, a program of Educate Maine has been focusing on developing signature offerings for teachers, administrators and support staff at Maine’s middle and high schools to support integrating Computer Science into schools both as a formal class experience by offering high quality Professional Development through, district CSforALL SCRIPT CS education pathway planning workshops, and also in an extra-curricular capacity by helping to expand more Girls… READ MORE
Project>Login is hiring a Program Specialist!

Project>Login is hiring a Program Specialist!

August 12, 2022
Project>Login is hiring a Program Specialist to join the team at Educate Maine and support growth of the program and expansion of Computer Science opportunities in Maine. Apply Today! READ MORE
Pledge to Get Your Students Involved in the 2022 Congressional App Challenge!
Teacher Reflection from Professional Development Blog

Teacher Reflection from Professional Development Blog

August 05, 2022
Summer Professional Development participant Laurel Pollard reflects about her experience with our CSA summer workshop and her plans to teach AP CS in the fall. Read more here!       READ MORE
Maine Venture Fund is hosting its first Maine Startup Challenge business plan competition.

Maine Venture Fund is hosting its first Maine Startup Challenge business plan competition.

August 03, 2022
Maine Venture Fund is hosting its first Maine Startup Challenge business plan competition. Details of the competition and event, and provides links for materials including a lesson plan, business plan templates, and a FAQ can be found on MVF's website. The application will go live on September 1st, and close on September 30th.  Maine Startup Challenge is a business plan competition for Maine’s startup ecosystem. The Challenge has four tiers: K-8, High School, Collegiate and Open. Our goal… READ MORE
Computer Science Education Showcase

Computer Science Education Showcase

July 10, 2022
Join Project>Login, along with 30+ other partners, educators, students and community organizations at the upcoming Computer Science Showcase hosted by Maine DOE at the Roux Institute on July 13th from 5-6:30pm in Portland. FMI: