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Grant opportunity for K-12 Maine Educators announced!

July 24, 2018

Grant Details:

The Maine STEM Collaborative, with financial support from the Maine Space Grant Consortium, is pleased to announce the 2018 STEM Education Innovation Challenge Grant Competition. The goal of this competition is to provide K-12 educators the opportunity to try out highly innovative ideas in STEM teaching and learning.  Although we hope all funded ideas will be successful, we are more interested in stimulating an innovation culture within Maine’s K-12 community that “does not think out of the box, but thinks there is no box”, and empowers educators to “try fast, learn quickly, fail small, and evolve rapidly.”  In keeping with these principles, we also encourage ideas that combine the arts, humanities, and/or social sciences with STEM, as long as the outcomes focus on enhancing STEM teaching and learning.

The 2018 STEM Education Innovation Challenge Grant Competition culminates in a “Fast Pitch” presentation – a high energy, rapid-fire presentation event during which finalists share their vision and impact of their ideas with the audience and judges – in just five minutes! – at the 2018 STEM Summit on Friday, November 16, 2018 at Central Maine Community College in Auburn. After the presentations, we will announce grant awards ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 to the finalists to support implementation of their ideas.

The complete announcement including guidelines and the application package can be viewed and download from the Competition’s web page at

The Maine STEM Collaborative is a statewide unincorporated partnership of over 60 individuals from education, research, business, government, and nonprofit sectors that was formed by the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance in 2007 to help increase the quality of STEM education, student aspirations, and public awareness of STEM education.  We work closely with the Maine STEM Council on outreach to promote STEM educational initiatives, and particularly, the Collaborative’s signature statewide event – the Maine STEM Summit - to bring together those involved in these efforts.



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